Single phase power analyzer offering ease of use along with analysis of all ac parameters

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bullet 500kHz Bandwidth with Harmonic analysis
bullet Isolated inputs work with motor drives
bullet Ability to analyze transient power events
bullet Printer interface as standard with timed/
manual printouts
bullet Up to 10 readings/second
bullet 4 Chart recorder outputs (option)
bullet Pass / fail production line testing
bullet 1440Vpk + 125Apk (20Arms) direct measurements (DC coupled)
bullet IEEE-488 and RS232 interfaces (options)
bullet Integrator function with energy Whrs, Ahrs and elapsed time
bullet Real time clock
bullet 10 setup memories for storing individual configurations

Click here for PA2200a Datasheet pdf


Multiple Parameter Display

Large numerals and neat layout means
multiple parameters can be viewed with clarity,
even from distances of up to 4 meters. All parameters are measured and updated simultaneously. Scaling factors may be applied to give correct readouts when using VT and CT.

Waveforms + Datacapture Analysis

At the touch of a button view volts, amps and power waveforms. Use cursors to select a portion of captured data to be analyzed further. Measure inrush current and other transient events with ease.


Harmonic Analysis

View harmonic lists or bar graphs. Both percentage and absolute values of harmonics are shown together with phase angles. Amps and volts THD is calculated from the harmonic series. IEC-Test software is available free of charge for harmonics testing to IEC-1000-3-2


Measurement Bandwidth Range DC, 0.2Hz to 500kHz
Display Resolution 4 3/4 digit
Measurement Range 700mVrms to 1000Vrms (1440Vpk)
(200mVrms with display blanking off)
Vpeak Ranges 1440, 720, 220, 110, 33.0, 16.0, 5.00, 2.50
Max input volts 1440Vpk Overload 3000 Vrms for 1 second
Accuracy 0.08% Reading +0.1% Range + 10mV
DC 0.5% Reading +0.5% Range + 10mV
Common Mode 90dB
Input Impedance 1Mohm 12pF
Current Arms Display Resolution 4 3/4 digit
Measurement Range 0.01Arms to 20Arms (125Apk)
Ext Shunt 1mVpk to 4Vpk
Apeak Ranges 125, 62.5, 22.0, 11.0, 3.50, 1.80, 0.6, 0.3
Max input amps 20Arms continuous 125Apk
Accuracy 0.08% Reading +0.1% Range +2mA
DC 0.5% Reading + 0.05% Range + 10mA
Common Mode 90db
Input impedance 0.02 Ohm
Power active power watts Accuracy 0.1% Reading +0.1% Range +2mW
VA apparent power Accuracy 0.1% Reading +0.1% Range +2mVA
VAR reactive power Accuracy 0.1% Reading +0.1% Range +2mVAR
General Specifications:
Interfaces Standard Printer (Centronics)
Optional IEEE-488, RS232, Chart Recorder x4
Environment Operating Temperature 0� to +50� C
Storage Temperature -40�C to +60�C
Humidity 10% to 90% RH non-condensing
Dielectric Strength Inputs to case 4kV AC 50/60Hz for 1 minute
AC line input to case 2kV AC 50/60Hz for 1 minute
Power AC line input voltage 90V to 264V
AC line input frequency 45Hz to 450Hz
AC line input fuse 20mm 1AT
Power Consumption 14W/28VA
Mechanical Weight 5.5kg
Dimensions (W x H x D) 215mm x 144mm x 390mm

Click here for PA2200a Datasheet pdf

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