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Non inductive high frequency co-axial shunts / Current Viewing Resistors (CVRs) - ideal for testing GaN and PE switching times

Non Inductive Co-Axial Current Shunt Product Range

Our range of CVR's are non inductive co-axial shunts designed to operate over a wide bandwidth, DC to 2000MHz, ideal for testing switching rise times in Power-Electronic power systems, especially where phase angle is a consideration with regard to switching losses in power conversion systems. Very useful device for extending the current range of Frequency Response Analyzers and HF Multimeters. Co-axial shunts / CVR's can be used with phase angle voltmeters meters, where phase angle between voltage-voltage, voltage-current or current-current is required, ideal for phase protection devices, power meters, wattmeters, energy meters and current transformer phase calibration.
