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IRFrms converter changing AC and DC voltages to dc voltage

IRFrms transducers convert AC to dc or Ac+Dc to dc. Typically used with instantaneous voltage output current probes, ensuring they provide a precise voltage proportional to the Arms

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IRF rms converter
IRF-RMS AC Transducer rms input to dc output
  • Bandwidth: DC-50kHz non isolated
  • AC or DC coupled versions
  • Input/output Isolated to 1000Vpk - Iso option
  • Computes AC rms or AC+DC rms
  • 1% accuracy from 120% to 5% range
  • -20°C to +60°C operating range
  • Input impedance 50ohm, 100kohm or 1Mohm
  • Output impedance 100ohm (50 ohms optional)
  • Input ranges: 2mV to 240V input (user specified input range)
  • Terminal block or BNC input
  • Fused input protection
  • Output protection
  • Power input protection
  • Wide range of non isolated dc outputs: 0-100mV, 0-1V, 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA and 4-12-20mA
  • Power: 5, 12, 24, 48, 110Vdc, 110Vac or 230Vac power
  • Supplied with DIN rail mountings
  • CE Marked, UL materials throughout


One of our AC / DC Transducers, the IRF-rms, is an instantaneous to true rms converter, matching the performance of high-end true rms voltmeters Its purpose is to convert ac, ac+dc signals to an isolated dc signal representing the rms. Its output signal can be scaled to meet most requirements, voltage or 4-20mA current loops, isolated or non isolated.

The IRF-rms is used typically in applications with voltage output current probes, current shunts and current transformers - providing an isolated signal that can be connected to a computer or data logger. The IRF-rms can be configured to operate with most current probes, current sensors and dataloggers. High voltage options up to 1000V are possible using model VTHR.

One key feature of the IRF-rms is that it allows current probes and CTs to have both rms and instantaneous outputs, allowing the user diagnostic possibilities as well as metering.

The IRF-rms can be powered from 5Vdc-125Vdc and ac 90-240Vrms


Part number examples: Input = 2Vrms, Output = 0-10Vdc, ac+dc coupled with 24Vdc power
Part no. = IRFrms / 2 / ac+dc / 10 / 24Vdc

Isolated version: Input = 110Vrms, Isolated Output = 0-5Vdc, ac coupled with 24Vdc power
Part no. = IRFrms-iso / 110 / ac / 5 / 24Vdc

CE marked and manufactured using UL approved materials

Powertek specializes in the design and manufacture of electrical power, voltage and current measuring instrumentation
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