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Non inductive co-axial current shunt

Current viewing resistor (CVR) Series W - Hi Power Flange Input 12.5s Type

Series W Flange, 12.5s Non Inductive co-axial shunt, current viewing resistor.
Series W non inductive co-axial current shunt
  • 0.01A to 1000Arms continuous
  • 1000Arms for 10mS (depending on model)
  • DC-100 MHz frequency range
  • Extends current range of Scopes, DMMs and Wattmeters
  • Use with phase angle meters
  • BNC, GR, UHF, N, HN and C connectors
  • Insulated enclosure optional
  • Traceable to international standards via NIST (USA) and UKAS (UK)
  • Lifetime warranty

About the Series W - Hi-Power Flange Input - 12.5s Type current viewing resistor (CVR) / non-inductive co-axial shunt resistors

The Series W range are non inductive shunts designed to operate over a wide bandwidth, with both AC and DC power systems, especially where phase angle and propagation delay is a consideration, crucial during impedance measurements and power calibration systems. Very useful for adding or extending the current range of Power Analyzers, Wattmeters, Phase Angle Meters, Frequency Response Analyzers and Multimeters.  Using the Series W with phase angle meters allows phase angle measurement between voltage-voltage, voltage-current or current-current, ideal for phase protection relays, energy meters and current transformer calibration.

CVR's are rugged high frequency resistors designed to sustain very high peak power and current inputs generated by capacitor banks, pulse generator systems and steady state current loads. Their linear response over a broad frequency band provides an accurate indication of current magnitude free from inductive components. Inherent in CVR design is a coupling between the major electrical parameters of resistance, bandpass, energy capacity and wattage rating. This means we provide a wide ranging series of standard units covering a broad range of specifications.


Although most CVR's are designed primarily for surge current measurements, their rugged construction and their low temperature coefficient resistive elements have made them ideally suited to a number of steady state applications. An average wattage rating applicable to continuous current loading is thus quoted for each resistor series. Care should be taken in circuitry involving either AC or high duty cycle pulse currents that this rating not be exceeded, since CVR damage by overheating can result. If requested we can supply resistors with special construction which will increase the standard wattage rating to a high value depending on the model.


Bandpass of a CVR is essentially flat from DC to an upper limit determined primarily by skin effect in the resistive element. Associated bandpass is based on a measured 10% to 90% risetime response to a step function of current produced by a coaxial line pulse generator. The di/dt of the test pulse exceeded 10^12 amps/sec.


Unless otherwise specified, resistors are supplied with resistance tolerance of ±4% of nominal value. In addition, a Kelvin Bridge determination of its exact resistance, accurate to ±0.2% is supplied with each unit. A wide range of special resistance values for any of our standard units can be supplied.


Case construction of all coaxial CVRs is silverplated brass. Standard output signal connector is BNC with other connectors available. Large coaxial CVRs utilize a high current flange and coaxial threaded stud input connections. Powertek's flat configuration CVRs, the Series W, originally developed for flat plate transmission line installation, are available in a wide range of unit widths and input configurations and have been found to be particularly useful in applications requiring resistors with extreme energy and wattage ratings.

World-wide Traceability

All measurements made using the CVR Series W shunts are traceable to National and International standards; through the measurement standards of Powertek. All CVR series W shunts are supplied with a certificate of conformance necessary for quality assurance standards such as IEC17025/ISO9001. Independent measurement certification is possible using UKAS, A2LA or Z540/NAVLAP certificate.

Non inductive Co-Axial Current Shunt - CVR applications

  • Pulsed current applications
  • Calibration laboratories
  • Current sensing for phase meters
  • Single phase angle indicators V-A
  • Three phase phase angle indicators V-A
  • Power factor meters
  • High Frequency Watt Meters
  • Wideband Power meters
  • Power analysis
  • Current transformer calibration
  • Current probe phase delay characterization
  • SCR current measurements
  • Current control of automatic welders
  • Measure output of automotive alternators
  • Fault current detection to determine bearing wear of ac generators
  • Electron beam welding
  • Current detection in detonation systems
  • Three-phase fault testing in power transmission substations
  • Fault detection in modulators
  • Measurement of laser system lamp currents
  • IGBT chopper current control in electric cars
  • Circuit breaker testing


Series W Flange 12.5s, Non Inductive co-axial shunt, current viewing resistor.

Small terminating type CVR available with BNC, GR, UHF, N, HN and C connectors
Other connector options available upon request
Standard connections are the "S" input (8-32 stud with threaded case) BNC output connector


Model - Group A Resistance ohms Bandpass MHz. Risetime nsec. Emax joules
W980J1-12.5s-005 0.005 300 1.5 980
W1.1K2-12.5s-0025 0.0025 200 2 3300
W3.2K4-12.5s-001 0.0005 48 8 3200
W6.7K8-12.5s-0005 0.0005 2 30 6700
W11.4K10-12.5s-0005 0.0005 8 45 11,400
W13.2K16-12.5s-00025 0.00025 3.2 113 13,200
W22.1K20-12.5s-00025 0.00025 2.2 164 22,100
W21.1K32-12.5s-0001 0.0001 1 250 21,100
W35.9K40-12.5s-0001 0.0001 0.58 872 35,900
W42.2K64-12.5s-00005 0.00005 0.25 2000 42,200
Model Resistance ohms Bandpass MHz. Risetime nsec. Emax joules
W2K1-12.5s-005 0.005 300 1.5 2000
W3.3K2-12.5s-001 0.001 200 2 3300
W6.5K4-12.5s-0005 0.0005 48 8 6500
W13.7K8-12.5s-00025 0.00025 2 30 13,700
W23K10-12.5s-00025 0.00025 8 45 23.000
W21K16-12.5s-0001 0.0001 3.2 113 21,000
W35K20-12.5s-0001 0.0001 2.2 164 35,000
W42K32-12.5s-00005 0.00005 1 250 42,000
W72K40-12.5s-00005 0.00005 0.58 872 72,000
W84K64-12.5s-000025 0.000025 0.25 2000 84,000

Ordering information - specify model number and tolerance