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AC Current Probes AC Current Sensors
AC Current Probes and AC Current Sensors
Isolated Current Inputs for Computer and DAQ systems
Current Transducer direct connection - Model ATH3ph 3 channel
Isolation Transducer, 4-20mA to 4-20mA or 0-10V - ATHiso
AC (and DC) Hall Sensor Current Transducer - CTHR
Current Sensor for Data Acquisition and Oscilloscopes - Model LFR
Rogowski Type Flexible Current probes and sensors 1A-10,0000A
Rogowski Type Current Sensor, 5V output - Model CTV
Flexible Rogowski IP54 Current probes for Harsh Environments
Harsh Environment Current Probe, rugged diecast conditioner IP54 - Model IRF
Flexible Single and Three Phase Network Current Probes
True RMS Current Sensor with RMS output - Model RCTrms
1 Phase Current Sensor, instantaneous output, up to 100kHz - Model RCTi
3 Phase Current Sensors 1Hz to 100kHz, Models PCTi3ph and PCTirms3ph
Flexible AC Current probes with 1A and 5A output
3 Phase Flexible Current Transformer, 5A output, 5VA - Model CTA3ph
Compact 1A and 5A Output Current Probes - RCT1A and RCT5A
AC Voltage and Summation Transducers
AC and DC Transducers | Voltage | Summing | RMS | Watts
Voltages input types
Rugged AC/DC Voltage Transducers, Instantaneous/RMS - VT7 and VT8
Three phase Voltage Transducers 25Hz-5kHz - VTH3ph and VTHR3ph
Voltage and mV input multi-channel types
Single Phase AC Voltage Transducers 25Hz-5kHz - VTH1ph and VTHR1ph
Summation of Voltages or mA signals
Analog Summation Transducer, up to 4 inputs - CTHsum
True RMS Converting types
RMS Converter Module, True RMS AC in / DC out, DC-50kHz - Model IRFrms
Watt and Power Transducers
Three Phase Watts, VARs, VA, PF... - Power Transducer - Model WT3ph
Calibrators, Voltage, Current, Multi-function
AC/DC Calibrators, Multifunction Calibrators: Volts-Current-Power-Energy-RES-RTD-Temp Simulation
Power Energy Calibrators and Multifunction Calibrators
MC9010, Multifunction Calibrator: Voltage, Current, Power, Energy and more
MC9010plus Multifunction Calibrator: Volts, Amps, Energy, Power, R, C, RTD
Process Control Portable Calibrators
MC9000 Portable Multifunction Calibrator, Voltage, Current, R, C, RTC
Process Control RTD Simulation Calibrators
MC631 Precision RTD Simulator and Calibrator for temperature probes
AC and DC High Current Calibrators
MC151 Precision Current Calibrator 0-1000Hz, 0-120A
Coaxial Current Shunts | CVR | DC-2000MHz
Co-axial ac shunts, High Frequency Shunts
Co-Axial Current Shunt Product Range
Coaxial Current Shunt 4-6 Watts - Series A
Coaxial Shunt 75-300 Watts - Series F
Coaxial Shunt 150-500 Watts - Series K
Coaxial Shunt 4-6 Watts - Series L
Coaxial Shunt 20-125 Watts - Series M
Coaxial Shunt 225-850 Watts - Series R
Coaxial Shunt 2 Watts - Series SDN 414
Coaxial Shunt 2-3 Watts - Series SDN
Coaxial Shunt 7.5 Watts - Series W 1 Stud Type
Coaxial Shunt 12.5-15 Watts - Series W 2 Stud Type
Coaxial Shunt 15-20 Watts - Series W 4 Stud Type
Coaxial Shunt Series 2.5 Watts - W Bar Strap Type
Coaxial Shunt Series 5-7.5 Watts - W Clamp Type
DC Current Probes DC Transducers
DC Current Probes, DC current sensors
Summary Page DC current sensing probes
DC Current Sensors, summary all models, Model CTH
Analogue Summation Transducers
Analog Summation Transducers up to 4ch, Model CTHsum
High Bandwidth non-split DC current sensing probe
DC Split Core, Current Sensors, 4000A Sensor CTH Types 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Split-core DC current sensing probe, rugged
DC Split Core Current Probes up to 2500A, Model CTH Type 8
Sensors for Geomagnetic Induced Currents, Model GIC
Very High Current DC Sensors and Probes
DC Split Core High Current Sensors, up to 40,000A, Model CTH
Flexible DC current probe for 1kA to 100kA, DC Flex
DC Power Watts Energy measuring transducers and probes
DC Power Transducer 3 channels, Model WT3ph
DC Voltage sensing probe
DC Voltage Isolators and Transducers, Model VTHiso VTHRiso
DC Voltage Transducers Model VT7
Differential Voltage Probes
Differential Voltage Probes
Medium to High Voltage Differential Probes up 20kVpk
Differential Voltage Probes DP-25 25MHz 1400Vp-p and DP65pro
Differential Voltage Probes DP-30HS 30MHz 65V and DP-40LV 40MHz 1300Vp-p
Differential Voltage Probes DP-35 35MHz 1600Vp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-40K 75MHz 40kVp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-50 50MHz 6.5kVp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-100 100MHz 7kVp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-15K 75MHz 15kVp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-30K 75MHz 30kVp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-8V 100MHz 8kVp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-16VF 150MHz 16kVp-p
Small Signal Differential Probes: Sensitivity from 300mVpk
Differential Voltage Probe DP-60HS 60MHz 70Vp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-02VF 150MHz 80Vp-p
Differential Voltage Probe DP-08VF 150MHz 800Vp-p
High Frequency Rogowski AC Current Probes
High Frequency AC current probes
Measure ac current in motor and generator shaft bearings
CMC Rogowski AC Current Probe for bearing spark erosion
Measure currents from 1A to 300kA with high di/dt
CWT & CWT HF AC Current Probes to 30MHz
Measure currents <0.1Hz-10MHz from 1A to 300kA [Ultra low phase shift]
CWT LF Wideband ac current probes 0.01Hz to 10MHz
Small sense coil: fit between legs of power switching devices
CWT Mini 50 HF AC Current Sensor 50MHz
CWT Mini HF AC Current Sensor 30MHz
CWT Miniature Wideband AC Current Probe 17MHz
CWT Ultra-Miniature HF 1.7mm thick AC Current Probe 30MHz
CWTUM-S Ultra-Mini 1.2mm AC Current Probe 30MHz
Non Contact Current Measurement in PCB tracks
CWTUM-F CWTUMHF-F Ultra-Mini 1.3mm AC Current Probe
IP520 Current Probe proximity non contact
Phase Angle Voltmeter PAV
Phase Angle Voltmeters, Phase Measurement
PAV1010A Phase angle voltmeter [Replaces SD1000 phase meter]
GP1700 Gain Phase Frequency Response Analyser
Power Sensors, Power Analyzers, Wattmeters
Wideband Power Analyzers, Power Meters, Wattmeters
PA2640 Multi channel Three Phase Power Analyzer
PA2100-1 Single Phase, Power Meter, Power Analyzer
UPC HP; Power-cell, kW Power Sensor and Power Transducer
WT3ph Three Phase Ultra Fast Multifunction Watt-VAr-Energy-V-A Transducer
UFIX Ultrafast import-export, energy detector and energy controller
PH-3A and PH-1000 Power-cell for Horse Power, kilowatt Transducers
Programmable 1phase or 3phase Kilowatt Energy Meter
Electrical Network analyzer PTK-UPA20 for electricity tariff metering
PTK-UPA30 Network analyzer utility metering with tariff metering
Static Frequency Converters
Three Phase Static Frequency Converters
Ptk-AFV Programmable AC and DC Power Source
1kVA-5kVA static frequency converters
19" Rack mount static frequency converters
Single phase in, 3 phase out static frequency converters
Three phase in, single phase out static frequency converterss
6kVA-60kVA Three Phase in/out static frequency converters
SFC Range Overview
DP14k and DP20k High Voltage Differential Probes for isolation
DP14k and DP20k datasheet
DP14k and DP20k Differential Probe Features:
High Voltage Differential Probe, 14kV and 20kV
High Impedance input 54Mohm 1.3pF
<6.5V Low Voltage Indication
<5.5V Auto Power Off
Allows safe measurement and isolates oscilloscope from ground
Option PL-10 to connect with a Digital DMM
Differential isolation probe
Used for Oscilloscope isolation
Suited for power electronic systems
Allow isolated floating measurements
DP14k and DP20k Specifications
Function / Model
Differential Voltage DC + AC pk
Bandwidth (50ohm load -3dB)
75MHz (x400, x1000, x2000)
20MHz (x600, x1500, x3000)
Common Mode Voltage DC + AC pk
Common Mode Voltage RMS Cat II / CAT III
Attenuation (Switchable)
x200, x400, x1000, x2000
x300, x600, x1500, x3000
Input R (Each Input)
27Mohm >+/-1%
27Mohm >+/-1%
Input C (Each Input)
2.5PF +/-2%
2.5PF +/-2%
Maximum Operation Voltage (DC + AC pk)
≤+/-1300V at x200
≤+/-1.9kV at x300
≤+/-2600V at x400
≤+/-3.9kV at x600
≤+/-6500V at x1000
≤+/-9.7kV at x1500
≤+/-14kV at x2000
≤+/-20kV at x3000
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)
60Hz: >10000:1
100Hz: > 1000:1
1MHz: > 300:1
60Hz: > 20000:1
100Hz: > 2000:1
1MHz: > 600:1
Noise (Into 50ohm Load)
Input Impedance (Between Input)
54Mohm / 1.3PF
54Mohm 1.3PF
Accuracy (at 20-30 degrees Celsius 70%RH after 20 minutes)
Maximum Output Voltage
Power Source
External 6V-9V DC
External 6V-9V DC
DP14k and DP20k Datasheet
CE marked